we are here to help you
If you've received a diagnosis of Limb Body Wall Complex and are continuing your pregnancy please contact us on Facebook.
If you've received a diagnosis of Limb Body Wall Complex and are continuing your pregnancy please contact us on Facebook.
We are a small group of parents who hope to offer support to any family deciding to continue a pregnancy in which LBWC has been diagnosed. We are faith based but offer our support to you regardless of your religious affiliation.
Created in 2012 in honor of all the babies lovingly carried to birth, limbbodywallcomplex.net has connected over 100 families to a support network of parents who have experinced the same prenatal diagnosis.
We will continue to offer hope and support for any parent who travels this road, in hopes that someday stories of surviving and thriving will be general- or even uniform- instead of anecdotal.
All material on this site reflects our personal journey with carrying a pregnancy to term with a prenatal diagnosis of Limb Body Wall Complex, aka Body Stalk Anomaly, aka Short Cord Syndrome, aka Cyllosomas. It is not meant to replace any medical advice of any professional familiar with you/your child's specific condition(s). The personal stories of any parents on this site are only their opinions and their own experiences of carrying to term with the above named condition. You should consult with your/your child's own physician(s) and/or other medical professional regarding the opinions and/or recommendations expressed within these pages as to you/your child's own medical condition. Copy write information All personal stories, letters, descriptions, & disclaimers included in this website are copywritten. Please do not copy, cut/paste, etc. any information that parents may have generously contributed to our site. You may email us at info@limbbodywallcomplex.net for permission to utilize any information here. We will gladly give it to anyone hoping to increase awareness. All information copied without the permission of the owners will be considered piracy, and we will seek legal redress. The stories told here, and the information included is sensitive. Families have been so generous in sharing their babies with us. We will not tolerate any family being taken advantage of. Thank you for respecting this.
Donations are appreciated, and are used to keep this website live so parents can find support. Thank you.
(we are not a 501(3)c, so donations are not tax deductible.)
Copyright © 2021 Limb Body Wall Complex - Continuing The Journey - All Rights Reserved.
Powered By A Mother's Love