This is a birth plan for your stillborn baby. While most of us cannot be 100% certain of stillbirth, unfortunately, some of us are given the news before our baby’s birth that the baby has passed away in utero.
Stillbirth, in most states, is considered 20+ weeks gestational age. You will may choose to give birth to a baby over 20 weeks GA, so it may help to have a plan in place for this.
Our baby was diagnosed with Limb Body Wall Complex at (#) GA. We had planned on carrying our baby as close to term as possible. Unfortunately, on (date) we discovered that our baby is no longer living. Due to the fact that our baby will be stillborn, we have some special requests. Please disregard any other birth plans we may have shared with you before this point.
1. We ask that our child be referred to by his/her name, (our child) at all times.
2. We would like (Dad) to stay with (Mom) at all times.
3. We have arranged for a photographer to be present during labor and delivery so that neither we nor our family has to worry about taking pictures. Please accommodate them as much as you can. Any pictures and video they obtain will be very important to us to look back on.
4. Assuming they do not rupture on their own, please do not rupture the amniotic membranes artificially. The membranes and fluid will help protect (our Child’s) body during labor and delivery. This is important because this will be the only opportunity for us to spend time with our child, and any unnecessary added “insult” to (our Child's) body may be distressful.
5. As long as it is safe for (Mom), we want her to be able to hold (our Child) immediately following delivery. If (Mom) is unable to hold (our Child), we would like (our Child) to be handed to (Dad). We wish to cherish all the time we have with him/her. Every second counts. Please delay any procedures that can be put off until later. If any procedures must be done we ask that they be done while (our Child) is in our arms.
6. We do not want (our Child) to be taken from the delivery room at any time, by any person, for any reason.
7. We want to have (our Child) baptized/blessed at our request. Our pastor/priest is aware of our wishes and will be present to assist us with this.
8. We want the nursing staff to weigh and measure (our Child) when we request it. Should we forget to request it, please do it prior to him/her leaving the hospital.
9. We have brought clothing for (Our Child) which we would like to dress him/her in. We do not want these clothes to be removed at any point or by any other person than his/her parents. (our Child) is to be wearing these clothes when he/she leaves the hospital.
10. Please do not allow anyone in our room without talking to us first. We would like to have the option to bring our family to in the room to meet (our Child) and spend time with him/her. We ask your assistance in keeping them updated as we request it. We might need your help with phone calls and getting visitors in when we are ready. (our Child) has family that is very eager to meet him/her.
11. Any keepsakes that we leave with (our Child), such as blankets, hats, and jewelry, are to remain with him/her at all times, even when he/ she is taken from us. These items will possibly be placed later in the casket with him/her or stored in our memory box.
12. We do not want (our Child) to go to the morgue at any time. We request that the hospital contact (Funeral Home) directly when we are ready to say goodbye to (our Child). We wish for him/her to be picked up directly from us and be taken by a staff person from the funeral home. We have made prior arrangements for this. (Funeral Home) can be contacted at (XXX) XXX-XXXX.
13. If any nurse, doctor, or other caregiver on our team is uncomfortable with any of this, please excuse yourself from our care if possible.
Please give us privacy without abandoning us.
Please allow any waiting family or friends to enter the room, regardless of age, at our request.
Please help us to bathe and dress (our child), and perform any post-mortem care if we request your assistance.
Please help us to take photographs.
Please call Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep @ (local photographer‘s #)
We would like to have as much time with (our baby) as possible.
We do/do not want an autopsy
We would like the forms for a birth certificate, social security number and death certificate. (Mom and Dad) will fill out these forms.
This is a very difficult time for all of us. We truly appreciate your help and support, and ask that you understand the varied range of emotions we may experience. We also appreciate and find comfort in your expressions of grief, so please do not hesitate to show your emotions in front of us. We have tried our best to prepare for (our Child’s) arrival. With your help and support we hope to make this time as meaningful as possible
This is a sample birth plan if you have learned your baby is no longer with you.
These are just guidelines to help you on your way to making your child's birth as easy as possible. You should alter them to suit your personal preferences.
Please understand that even in the best of circumstances, you may not be able to follow your birth plan to completion. There are many variables that can affect the birth of a "typical" baby, and LBWC babies are anything but typical.
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