Limb-body wall complex (LBWC) is a rare fetal polymalformation of uncertain etiology, but has been regarded as sporadic in nature with a low recurrence risk. (1)
This means that Limb Body Wall Complex is a:
1) rare fetal polymalformation- a rare multi-deformity of a fetus
2) of uncertain etiology- they don't know exactly what causes it
3) but has been sporadic in nature- it doesn't happen very often, and is scattered over different areas
4) with a low recurrence risk- it usually won't happen to the same family twice.
Limb Body Wall Complex is usually defined as consisting of 2 of the following 3 fetal anomalies:
1) Thoraco-abdominoschisis or abdominoschisis-
this means that there is an opening in your baby's abdomen, and there are internal organs protruding through the opening.
There are two types of openings:
Gastroschisis (which is an uncovered opening) or Omphalocele (which is a covered opening).
Thoraco-abdominoschisis means the opening extends from the chest through the abdomen.
Abdominoschisis means that the opening starts at a lower point and only extends through the abdomen.
2) Limb Defects- this could mean a number of different limb deformities, including, but not limited to club foot and/or missing limbs.
3) Cranio-facial defects- cleft lip/palate, encephalocele, exencephaly, etc.
Other common anomalies associated with LBWC are:
Short Umbilical Cord, Congenital Scoliosis, Horseshoe Kidneys, Absent Organs, and Spina Bifida
There have been two types of LBWC identified: (2)
Type 1, "placentocranial adhesion phenotype" which consists of craniofacial defects
Type 2, "placentoabdominal adhesion phenotype" which consists of abdominal, spinal, extremity, and genital defects.
Because Limb Body Wall Complex is most likely caused by an external disruption, rather than a congenital malformation, the risk to future pregnancies has been classified as “negligible”. At this time, there is no known genetic cause for LBWC.
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